If you are in debt and financially struggling then you know eliminating your debts is not an easy task. You may be facing lawsuits, wage garnishments, creditor harassment or other stressful consequences of not being able to pay your bills. There are plenty of offers promising quick solutions to your problems, but what if there was a better option? During your free consultation at the Larkin Law Firm with San Bernardino bankruptcy attorney Jeffrey D. Larkin, you will receive answers to all of your debt related questions so you can make an intelligent decision that is right for you.
Born and raised in San Bernardino, bankruptcy attorney and debt relief lawyer Jeffrey D. Larkin utilizes his years of experience working at large bankruptcy law firms and debt relief centers to offer intelligent debt solutions tailored to your specific case. Mr. Larkin’s small firm service explores all of your available options including bankruptcy, to create a debt relief plan that is most efficient in solving your financial problems.
If your particular situation is better suited by filing for bankruptcy protection, Mr. Larkin will explain the different bankruptcy options including Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. At all times, your case will be handled exclusively by licensed San Bernardino bankruptcy attorney Jeffrey D. Larkin from the start of your case all the way through till completion.
Whatever the intelligent solution is to your debts, we will create a debt relief plan that eliminates your worries and prepares you for the road ahead. Contact San Bernardino bankruptcy lawyer Jeffrey D. Larkin today and in addition to your free financial consultation, receive a free credit report and Fair Credit Reporting Act analysis.
Jeffrey D. Larkin specializes in San Bernardino bankruptcy and can help you confidently choose the right plan of action to eliminate your debt. Contact the Larkin law Firm today at 1-877-256-3946 for your free consultation to get started!
“San Bernardino Suzie” was a single mother of two and a waitress at a popular nightclub. While she had always struggled to pay her bills, she was somehow able to make it all work each month. Living on the financial edge was not Suzie’s choice, but it was the best she could do under the circumstances. In 2006 when the real estate market began to fall, she gradually noticed her tips started to decrease. By 2011, she had maxed out every credit card she owned and was $36,000.00 in credit card debt. She was receiving harassing phone calls constantly, and felt trapped by the burden of her debt. On the advice of her best friend, San Bernardino Suzie made the call to the Larkin Law Firm.
During her free consultation with San Bernardino bankruptcy lawyer Jeffrey D. Larkin, the clear choice to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection was discussed in detail. The decision was made to move forward, and Mr. Larkin immediately sent notices to all of Suzie’s creditors to cease all contact with her and contact the Larkin Law Firm for information. Within a few days, the volume of calls Suzie was receiving began to decrease, and for the first time in months she had a good night’s sleep.
Flash forward 100 days and San Bernardino Suzie is debt free. She no longer receives harassing phone calls and doesn’t have to fear the ring of her own phone anymore. If you or someone you know needs to review their bankruptcy or debt relief options, schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards restoring order to your finances. Call the Larkin Law Firm today!
The city of San Bernardino is one of the largest cities in California, and among the top 100 largest cities in the entire United States. San Bernardino contains many historical landmarks and may be most well known for the site of the very first McDonalds. San Bernardino is home to the California State University, San Bernardino which is located in the picturesque base of the mountainous foothills. The local mountains offer multiple skiing and snowboarding options including Bear Mountain, Snow Valley and Mountain High. There are many activities to do in San Bernardino including the Inland Motorcycle Speedway that attracts many motorcycle enthusiasts. Sometimes referred to as the Inland Empire, San Bernardino is rich with Native American history and is filled with influences of Spanish missionaries and Mexican settlers.
The estimated population for the city of San Bernardino is 213,708. There are estimated to be 59,133 households with the median household income of $39,097 – while 30.6% are below the poverty level.