If you are in financial trouble, the first step to restoring order to your finances is to seek help. When you do seek help, you want to make certain that it comes from a reputable, experienced bankruptcy attorney and law firm. That’s why the Larkin Law Firm is the right choice for you—Temecula bankruptcy attorney and debt relief lawyer Jeffrey D. Larkin treats every case as if it were his only case, and offers creative debt solutions that lead to a better future.
Our advice and service is tailored to each client’s particular needs and financial problems. During your free consultation, we will help you decide whether filing for bankruptcy is really the best solution, or if another option would be more beneficial. If bankruptcy is determined to be the right choice for you, bankruptcy attorney Mr. Larkin will personally ensure you have the best legal advice and resources you need from start to finish so you can take full advantage of your new beginning. At The Larkin Law Firm, our goal is to identify your financial problems and aggressively pursue intelligent debt solutions that will restore order to your finances. Do not let the stress and burdens of debt weigh you down any further. Take the first step towards a brighter financial future and contact our office today.
Temecula bankruptcy lawyer and debt relief attorney Jeffrey D. Larkin has been practicing bankruptcy law and consumer debt relief for years, having worked at some of the largest bankruptcy law firms in San Diego. His innovative and creative debt solutions have helped thousands of individuals eliminate their debts and put them back on the road to living a debt-free life. We are different than most other bankruptcy law firms because we explore all of your options to determine what solution is right for you. Call the Larkin Law Firm today at 1-877-NEW-HOPE for your free consultation and begin the road to financial recovery.
“Temecula Thomas” was a real estate “flipper” who purchased homes, rehabbed them and then put them on the market for resale. At any given time, Thomas would have between two and three projects running concurrently. From 2003 through the end of 2007, Temecula Thomas did very well for himself and purchased a million dollar estate with sufficient land for a horse stable which he used as a side business.
Beginning in 2008, the real estate market began to take a turn for the worse and by mid 2009, Thomas’ finances were in trouble. He had maxed out all of his available credit buying supplies for the homes and paying contractors. His million dollar home was now worth $750,000 and the three homes he owned and wanted to flip were also upside down. Realizing something had to be done, Temecula Thomas made the intelligent decision by calling Temecula bankruptcy attorney and debt relief lawyer Jeffrey D. Larkin for assistance.
Upon meeting with Mr. Larkin, Thomas was relieved to know there was a way to restore order to his life and finances. Because the majority of Temecula Thomas’ debts were used to operate his business including the three homes he was trying to flip, he was eligible to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy case using the “non-consumer” debt rules. When enacting bankruptcy laws, congress wanted to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit by giving struggling business owners an out if things don’t go their way. For Thomas, this meant that the one hundred thousand dollar a year job he recently obtained would not prevent him from filing for bankruptcy protection without having to repay any creditors with his large salary.
Since the filing and completion of Temecula Thomas’ case, he is now living debt free. He surrendered his million dollar home and the three investment properties back to the bank. He discharged all of his credit card debt. With his good paying job, Thomas is on the fast track to financial freedom without the burden of having to repay the debts of his failed business. If you or someone you know are having financial problems, call the Larkin Law Firm today at 1-877-256-3946 for your free consultation. Knowledge is power, and knowing your options is the best way to make an intelligent decision in eliminating your debt.
Temecula is one of the oldest cities in the state of California. Its name loosely translates to “The Sun That Shines Through The Mist.” The motto of the city of Temecula is “Old traditions, New families.” Temecula boasts acres of natural beauty and celebrates many historic traditions and events for all ages. Temecula is home to some of California’s most well known and respected wineries including Callaway Winery. Temecula offers many great family activities such as lakes, parks, golf courses and hot air balloon rides. Old Town Temecula offers boutique shops and restaurants that break away from today’s modern life and brings you back in time. Click the link to learn more!
The population of Temecula, California is estimated to have 105,208 residents and is steadily growing. The estimated median house value is $293,500 compared to other cities in California where median house values are around $349,400. With new opportunities arising locally the estimated median household income in Temecula is around $81,868.