Credit Repair Attorney in San Diego That Actually Repairs Credit

Have you been looking into credit repair but the entire thing feels like a scam? Were you researching repairing your credit yet everything seems like something from a late night infomercial? Fixing, repairing, or restoring your credit is one of those things you can’t be too cautious about. Doing so is important, but rushing into...

Is a Creditor Harassing You? Advice from a San Diego Credit Attorney

Creditors often go to extreme measures to get the money they’re owed. Sometimes they go as far as stepping beyond their legal rights, but many people who are being harassed aren’t even aware of their rights. Therefore, this unscrupulous behavior continues unabated. Jeffrey D. Larkin, a prominent credit repair attorney in San Diego, says that...

How Can a San Diego Credit Repair Attorney Help?

Compromised credit can have long-term implications for you, both as an individual and as a business owner. Even if you are still able to access credit afterward, expect higher interest rates. However, it’s far more likely that your credit applications will be rejected outright.  Bear in mind that sometimes you might be innocent in the...


The Larkin Law Firm is a debt relief agency. In addition to other debt relief services provided, we help individuals and businesses file for bankruptcy protection under the Bankruptcy Code.

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